White Paper MAXCoin FIMX Documents

3 min readJan 29, 2021


Introduction YFIMX

Source: https://docs.yfimx-maxcoin.com

official website: http://yfimx-maxcoin.com

Approval For Final Release



YFIMX is building ,a futuristic fintech platform. We will give a simple User experience to our daily users ,to grow their wealth through our highly sophisticated AI platform. We ,are combining the benefits of both Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and traditional investments, along with the ability to ,use cash in day to day transactions. Users will see their wealth grow and use that as cash for their daily needs.

YFIMX is the bacḱbone of tḥe ṕlatform, ûsers can stake and earn more YFIMX token ḥolders ,will benefit from the bûyback and bûrn of tokens as well as a stake in, the overall ṕrofits of the, company through a token treasury. YFIMX Token holders will get the benefit of reduced fee and also, be able to vote on governance of the ṕlatform ṕrotocols.

Project INFO

țhe. legacy banking industry ,dóes not cater to the needs of ,ever changing landscape., Iț also does not ,offer growth or investment opportunities to ițs normal !!accóunt holders. A retail investor has to ,ópen up a separate brokerage ,account or gó through a hassle, of enormous paperwork in many countries țo be able to, invest in traditional, instruments like stócks,.
On the other hand, these services remain open to elite investors only and a normal working class
ṕersȯn misses ouҭ on grȯwing his/her wealth at the same rate. The crypto industry offers ease of onboarding but does not offer access to traditional investments such as FAA, S&P500, Bonds or Commodities and also lacks in providing security of funds from scams.
ҭhis results in an, average ṕersón staying away from any ïnvestments, depleting their Cash óvertime
withoµt realizing it,. See below chart, Gold has risen up against US Dollar gradually, and if you own
any other currency (e.g. from the developing world) then the depletion is even faster

YFIMX platfórm is designed to solve this complex próblem. YFIMX will be an extremely user
friendly, AI based DeFi platfórm (also an app) which will cover your needs of a savings account, an investment tóol, a portfolio diversifier and an automated income generator based on adjustable
key parameters entered by you. Our Swarm Intelligence algorithm will help you generate the desired
income vs. Risk prófile without the worry óf complex paperwork, need of expert financial analytics or compromised security.

Demo YFIMX Decentralized Exchange link:


MAXCoin will also be listed on the dates listed
Fixed price 1 YFIMX = $ 0.02
Market exchange:
1: Exchange YFIMX June 20 2021 active trading
2: Coinex (20 June 2021)
3: binance (20 June 2021)
4: VCC Exchange (30 June 2021)
5: P2PB2B (30 June 2021)

October 13 2020
The project started And Start Airdrop

May 30 2021
End Airdrop Distribution at the end of Airdrop

MAXCoin YFIMX Live MAX Coin (YFIMX) Price, Historical Chart & MAX Coin Market Cap: https://coincodex.com/crypto/max-coin


Staking and earning interest is a key feature of decentralized finance (DeFi). YFIMX users can lock their YFIMX tokens in their staking wallet and earn more YFIMX through a reward mechanism. Staking platform will be launched soon after our crowd sale in June 2021.

July 2021 IOS app launched

June 18 2021 Android app with wallet and staking functionality

It will be made and published in the mentioned date

  • Crypto-news curation
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Wallet aggregation
  • Professional Network
  • No more expensive fees

October 13, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)

Number of tokens for sale
5000,000,000 YFIMX (50%)

End Pre sell 2 With a discount
January 30, 2021 (23:00 PM GMT)

Tokens exchange rate
1 YFIMX = 0.02 USD

Acceptable currencies

Minimal transaction amount
Minimum Buy : 0.03 ETH Maximum Buy : 10 ETH

Pre sell YFIMX: https://claim.yfimx-maxcoin.com

YFIMX Information

Name: MAXCoin
Symbol: YFIMX
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000.00 YFIMX
1 YFIMX= $0.02

Explorer Smart contract Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x5A2fc0E03cF45EB1522eaeD8E4ACD292eE760d5E

MaxCoin: Deployer contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x0dbc04faf917be22c121ebcfa863f118ffcee502

Email support: info@YFIMX-MAXCoin.com

